NextGen Cryo™ Gen 4 pumps feature
- Highest efficiency through Hydraulic Engineering improvements and CryoDrive Technology™ (1)
- Higher speed making the compact units even smaller, while meeting flow and pressure capability
- High power motors for greater efficiency, fewer parts and lower weight for easier maintenance
- Fully integrated and tested containment, power and control systems.

In-Tank Pumps for Ship Loading
Flow from 1,000 to 2,500 m³/hr
Head to 320 m
Maximum power 1,000 kW
Minimum NPSH
Temperature Range -200°C to 0°C

Suction Encased Product Transfer Pumps / In-Tank Pumps for LP Send-Out
Flow from 200 to 1,000 m³/hr
Head to 320 m
Maximum power 600 kW
Minimum NPSH
Temperature Range -200°C to 0°C

Suction Vessel Mounted HP Send-Out Pumps
Flow from 120 to 650 m³/hr
Head to 2,500 m
Maximum power 2,000 kW
Minimum NPSH
Temperature Range -200°C to 0°C

Cold Energy Recovery Turbine (CERT)
Flow from 600 to 1,600 m³/hr
Head to 1,400 m
Maximum power 2,000 kW
Minimum NPSH
Temperature Range -200°C to 0°C
(1) NextGen Cryo™ LLC is a registered trademark for its Cryogenic Submerged Motor/ Generator Drive Systems Technology.
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