President’s Message

Dennis Chalmers, President & CEO
Welcome, the biggest disruption in cryogenic technology is here!
We at NexGen, as members of the Energy Industry, aspire to be leaders in our field of Cryogenic Submerged Motor Pumps and Submerged Generator Turbines, and related services. While today we are focused on products for the LNG Supply Chain, we are attentive to the winds of social change that might drive the balance of the energy supply/demand equation toward different Solutions.
Many believe that a truncated pathway toward such Solutions can be accomplished through regulation, restrictions and tax policy which offers monetary incentives for behavioral conformity. Others believe that change will occur as real economic forces, such as demonstrated scarcity of supply and evidence of ills resulting from distortions in social order such as poverty, inadequate education, public health calamities, climatic change, widespread social disorder, wars, and threats of war, etc., dictate.
Regardless of the motivation, we will seek to adjust our focus as product adjustments prove beneficial and new products are indicated. Using a world class symphony Orchestra as our inspiration, we seek to Delight our stakeholders, our Shareholders, our Customers, present and future, their Agents, our employed Associates, our Subcontractors and Suppliers, and all those who in one way or another, support our success.
No world-class result can be expected, without excellent Performers. Paraphrasing the greatest Jazz trumpet player of the day, Dizzy Gillespie” (to be the best)” …first master your Instrument”. Our instrumentalists are Engineers and Technologists, who continuously seeking mastery through practice and training.
We intend that the goal and Hallmark of our every performance will be well rehearsed, well presented, and well-executed performance in terms of Overall Product excellence in Value and Quality. Our reward will be Customer Satisfaction, Stakeholders respect, and recognition by our critics, competitors, and Industry Associations of the value of our Work.